commercial landscaping in atlanta spotlight on the beauty of blue ice

Commercial Landscaping in Atlanta: Spotlight on the Beauty of Blue Ice

If you swung by our booth at Vornado’s Green Fair Conference last April, chances are you noticed that we had Amsonia Tabernemontana on display. Also known as Blue Ice, it is often added to commercial landscaping in Atlanta for many reasons. Today, we wanted to share some of those reasons and temporarily highlight the attractive, native plant.

Widely considered a warm weather perennial, it grows well in USDA Zones 4 through 9. Atlanta is Zone 7b and the rest of Georgia runs from 6a to 9a. So, Blue Ice will feasibly thrive in all areas of the Peach State as long as the soil content is right. In this case, the optimum locations are ones known to have well-drained but moist, nutrient rich, neutral soil and full or partial sun.

Ideally, the area should also have enough space to accommodate the plant’s characteristic, slow-moving spread of 18 to 24-inches. Height wise, we are talking about a 12 to 16-inch allowance. And if the plant does thrive, you can count on it producing green foliage that has a slightly blue tint. In some areas, the foliage will also change colors in the fall. Our commercial landscapers have seen some turn a beautiful, golden hue.

As for the blooms, they have a star shape and tend to form charming, periwinkle blue clusters in the late spring. In general, the clusters will generally stick around for 30 to 40 days. However, it is not unusual for the Atlanta region’s seasonal variances to cause the blooms to linger a little longer or fade away faster. Either way, they make an excellent ground cover in commercial locations and pair well with other flowering perennials.

Beside the benefits we already touched upon, Blue Ice is known to turn off foraging herbivores and common pests. It is also drought resistant and needs little, if any, commercial landscaping attention after the initial planting activities are complete. Consequently, many Atlanta businesses find it’s the perfect plant for their commercial landscaping needs. To learn more about Blue Ice and other native plants our commercial landscapers would recommend to Atlanta businesses operating in USDA Zone 7b, please contact us today.