ten dos and donts of sidewalk snow removal sterling va

Ten Dos and Don’ts of Sidewalk Snow Removal | Sterling, VA

After a snowstorm, clearing your sidewalks is essential to ensure foot traffic is able to enter your business. When it comes to sidewalk snow removal, there is a lot to get right, and perhaps just as much to get wrong. Here are ten do’s and don’ts when it comes to this concept.

#1. Do shovel sidewalks early and often

Waiting until after all the snow has fallen may seem like a good idea; however, removing several inches of snow all at once can be back breaking. Instead, shovel smaller amounts of snow as it falls, and you’ll find it much easier to remove.

#2. Do dress appropriately for the weather

Hypothermia often results whenever people attempt to shovel snow without the right protective clothing. Ideally, you should dress in layers so you can add or remove clothing as needed. It’s also important to wear thermal socks and gloves to prevent frostbite to your extremities.

#3. Do use the right equipment

A snow shovel differs from a spade or regular shovel in that it has a flat blade that makes it ideal for scooping with. It is also more lightweight, so it is easier on your back. You are also less likely to remove gravel or scrape your sidewalk when using a snow shovel.

#4. Do take frequent breaks

Shoveling snow can be exhausting work. In fact, a good number of people each year suffer a heart attack while shoveling snow. To avoid serious problems, take breaks every 30 minutes or so, or more often if the temperatures are especially frigid.

#5. Do remain hydrated

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t become dehydrated. In fact, you may actually sweat a great deal and need to replenish fluids. Even if you do not feel thirsty, be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after shoveling snow.

#6. Do not use salt or commercial ice melt products

These products contain harmful chemicals that might run off into sewers and drainage ditches, where they will eventually enter the water supply. They also pose a hazard to pets, as animals can get residue on their paws that may be ingested if they lick them.

#7. Do not break up ice with the end of a shovel

A special ice breaker tool is ideal for breaking up ice, and will make this task much easier. An ice breaker tool contains a long handle with a flat blade at the end that can be used to crack through ice so that it can then be scooped up.

#8 Do not use kitty litter or sand to melt the ice

These products are actually not effective at melting ice, and instead only provide traction. They also make snow shoveling a whole lot messier. You may use sand or kitty litter only after shoveling to help provide better footing on your wet sidewalk. Removing it then will not be difficult, because you can simply sweep it away with a broom.

#9. Do not shovel without first warming up your muscles

You should warm up before shoveling, just as you would before any other workout. Performing some light activity to get your heartrate up, followed by a bit of light stretching is all you need to prevent injury.

#10. Do not use alcohol or tobacco while shoveling snow

These things can affect blood flow and increase your risk of a heart attack. They also make it more likely you will suffer from hypothermia.

Keeping track of all these dos and don’ts can be difficult, which is why you may want to leave sidewalk shoveling to a professional. Not only that, but removing snow and ice can leave you with little time to take care of the other aspects of running a business. Avoid liability and ensure customers can get to your location-contact us today for a free estimate. Thanks.

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